Because the World is Round,
by author Jane Saginaw
“Even more than an adventure tale, though, Because the World Is Round is the story of the relationship between a brilliant, dominant mother who is physically disabled and her caretaker daughter, and the way that relationship changes and grows—sometimes painfully, sometimes joyously—as the daughter begins waking up to the world and a sense of her own identity, femininity, and power.”
~Peter Kline, author of Mirrorforms and Deviants

About Me
Jane Saginaw is a student in the Ph.D. Program in Literature at the University of Texas at Dallas. Her memoir, Because the World Is Round, recounts a family trip around the world in 1970 with her mother who was wheelchair-bound from polio.
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D Magazine Article
A Polio Survivor Takes on International Travel and Neiman Marcus in 1970s Dallas, TX.

March 30 2024 | UTD Book Reading
Book reading with Jane at the University of Texas Dallas campus

Because the World is Round
A story of global travel, personal growth, and family responsibility seen through the lens of a teenage girl in 1970.
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